IPC3532LB-ADZK-G Купольная антивандальная IP видеокамера

IPC3532LB-ADZK-GCameraSensor1/3", 2.0 megapixel, progressive scan, CMOSLens2.8 ~ 12mm, AF automatic focusing and motorized zoom lensDORI DistanceLens (mm)Detect (m)Observe (m)Recognize (m)Identify (m)2.84216.8 8.44.2 12180 72 3618 Angle of View (H)109.06°~ 57.96° Angle of View (V)35.38°~ 19.74° Angle of View (O)112.62°~39.6° Adjustment anglePan:: 3° ~ 360° Tilt: 0° ~ 70°Rotate: 3° ~ 360°ShutterAuto/Manual, 1 ~ 1/100000sMinimum IlluminationColour: 0.003Lux (F1.6, AGC ON)0Lux with IRDay/NightIR-cut filter with auto switch (ICR)Digital noise reduction2D/3D DNRS/N>56dBIR RangeUp to 40m (131ft) IR rangeDefogDigital DefogWDR120dBVideoVideo CompressionUltra 265, H.265, H.264, MJPEGH.264 code profileBaseline Profile, Main Profile, High profile Frame RateMain Stream: 4MP (2688*1520), Max 25fps; 4MP (2560*1440), Max 25fps; 3MP (2304*1296), Max 25fps; 1080P (1920*1080), Max 30fps; Sub Stream: 720P (1280*720), Max 30fps; D1 (720*576), Max 30fps; 640*360,Max 30fps; 2CIF(704*288), Max 30fps; CIF(352*288), Max 30fpsHLCSupportedBLCSupportedOSDUp to 4 OSDsPrivacy MaskUp to 4 areasROIUp to 8 areasMotion DetectionUp to 4 areasAudioAudio CompressionG.711SuppressionSupportedSampling Rate8KHZStorageEdge StorageMicro SD, up to 256GBNetwork StorageANR, NAS(NFS)NetworkProtocolsIPv4, IGMP, ICMP, ARP, TCP, UDP, DHCP, RTP, RTSP, RTCP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, FTP, UPnP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SSL, QoS, 802.1x, SNMPCompatible IntegrationONVIF (Profile S, Profile G, Profile T), API